IMportant Information
Choosing the right product
Taking the time to review this page will help you to better understand our printing offer.
1) We have both seamless and non-seamless patterns.
2) Patterns come in various sizes (most common is 305x305mm), however we print to 300×300, 300×600, 600×400 and 500x700mm.
3) We offer you the ability to scale down the pattern to best fit the print to your final end product (eg small items like keyrings).
4) We offer various print options such as double sided printing or printing with or without white ink.
5) Inks can be damaged and are not ideal for every product, so make sure to read the pre-purchase considerations at the bottom of this page.
Seamless Pattern
A seamless pattern will be repeated to fill your chosen acrylic size and you won’t see the join lines, even if the pattern size is reduced. You can browse all of our seamless patterns here. Click image to view more details.
Reduced Scale
You have the choice to reduce the scale to 10%, 25%, 50% 75%.Dimensions of the original design file can be found in the description of each product and this may help you make the calculations visually. A pattern of 305mmx305mm that is reduced to 50% will have a repeating pattern size of roughly 150x150mm. Here’s some examples of 30mm circles using different patterns and reduction percentages. If making smaller items with your printed acrylic, you may need to use our reduction option.
Default Prints
The default for a clear acrylic print it to print to the back side of the acrylic. The image is reversed and then a white layer of ink is added. This allows you to see the print by looking through the clear acyrlic. This provides a high gloss finish with vibrant colours.
In terms of layers it will be: Clear Acrylic / Colour Print / White Ink.
The default for white acrylic is to print on the surface of the acrylic
White Ink on White Acrylic
If you choose Option 2 “Use White Ink on White Acrylic“ during the buying process of a white acrylic print, this will ensure a white ink layer is applied over the full sheet before the coloured inks. This is helpful if you wish to have a matte finish across the full sheet.
White Acrylic or MDF Prints
Printing to the surface of white acrylic or MDF will leave a matte finish. A surface print is more exposed and physical contact can still damage the ink layer. Colours can also appear slightly softer, especially on MDF. We may also put down a white base layer of ink first, especially on MDF.
Project Considerations
UV printed items should not be used in products that will have contact with food, be made into children’s products, be used in products that have direct skin contact, or be used in harsh environments with oils, solvents or other chemicals. Steps should be taken to seal the ink layer and therefore create a protective barrier. This can ensure printed sheets will last longer and can be used in a wider range of projects.
For clear acrylic prints we can add a protective layer to the back of the ink layer, however some have used the following processes to successfully seal the acrylic after cutting;
– adding a layer of Cabots clear water based cabothane
– adding a resin layer to the back of the ink.
It is quite difficult to seal a white acrylic print or MDF print as the ink layer is on the front surface. Resin or Cabots clear could be used, but getting a clear brush free finish would be difficult. We have tested several spray can sealers and all have reacted with the ink.
If creating products that need an ink barrier, we suggest choosing a clear acrylic print with our protective layer added. This will give vibrant colours whilst giving you the peace of mind that the ink layer won’t be damaged, scratched or worn away. This also give you a suitable surface for trouble free glue application.
The use of glues directly to the ink layer can cause it to react and either flake, soften or bubble. We suggest testing glues on a small area first to ensure they are suitable. We have heard that some glues are fine, but testing will be needed to make sure it’s suitable for your application. We will update this page with some of these glues after completing in-house testing.
Glue can be added to the back of a white acrylic sheet without issue. Glue can also be added to the back of our protective layer also without issue. Testing should still occur to make sure you have a glue of sufficient bond strength.
Care Instructions
Care should be taken if trying to clean the print. Do not clean the ink layer with any cleaning products or solvents as this may damage the ink. If the ink surface must be cleaned, simply use water and a link free cloth.
Keep the paper or plastic protective films on for as long as you need to help to protect the surface.
Cutting Considerations
Protective films/papers can be left on to help protect the surface of the material being cut.
Always complete small test cuts to determine if your machines settings are correct. Products using our optional protective layer will become slightly thicker, so this may affect cut settings.
Whenever cutting our products make sure you are using proper dust/fume extraction, vented outdoors with adequate airflow. Follow the safety guidelines provided by your equipment’s manufacturer.
About Us
Printed Panels makes it easy for anyone to print unique designs onto flat panels such as Acrylic, MDF or Canvas. From unique patterned prints to family portraits, we can print it all.